Friday, August 19, 2011

Event Geekery : You are Cordially Invited


Now I wish I could stream this live and share with all my fab lovers, 
but sadly, this invite has to go to my local family, Halifax.
(and i will try by all means to get a video for everyone else).
Despite a couple of moments of uncertainty caused by my machine breaking.
I'm excited to officially invite you to my likkle runway show.
I would be so honored if you'd come and hang with me and check out my newest little collection of clutches. 
I was due to debut my clothing collection, but I've decided to work on it a bit more. 

Looking forward to see you

p.s. cover charge is $FREE.99 :)

Historic Properties = Next to the Lower Deck and opposite Salty's...LOL
P.S.  I am the FIRST designer on the runway, sooo uhhmmm, you best be on time! 

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