Friday, January 6, 2012


Hey Lover, 

Jan 5th started off on such a HIGH note for me. 
I woke up to being contacted by CTV (Canadian Television Network) as they were interested in doing a story on me and Clutch Culture that would be aired January 6th. 
If I could literally jump out of my skin I would have. 
I was beyond excited and couldn't wait to do the interview. 
We scheduled the interview to be held at Pink Mascara, which is currently the only boutique in Halifax that carries my clutches. 
I also felt SO blessed that my mom is still here and was able to share this moment with me AND my brother was able to come out and support me too. 

To watch the interview the link is provided below. 
After you click on the link look over to the right hand side and click on the part that says
"Maria has the latest in entertainment news - January 6"
For those that might not be able to view this I am trying my best to get a video to add to my blog. 

below are some pics from the interview. 


p.s. Remember a few weeks back I shared with you snippets from my vision boards??
Can't believe I am already ticking one off 5 days into the new year! BA-NA-NAS!!


the clutch culture corner of yumminess at Pink Mascara

me, mother dearest and ten

Barb, the owner of Pink Mascara, and I (such happy girls)

Maria doing her intro.. look who's peaking ..lolol

 Barb, Owner of Pink Mascara

little ol' me 

dreams into reality

Talking clutches with Maria Panopalis

Maria and I after the interview. I am SO blessed I met her!

follow your bliss 

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