Wednesday, October 12, 2011

5 Current LOVEs

Hey Lovebirds, 

Thought I'd do a post and share with you some things that I am currently loving. 


1. The GIOGO Girls
I am addicted to these girls!!! Their videos are awesome and their style is MAJOR!
check out the rest of their videos here 

2.  Solange's Twitter Pic 
LOOOOOVEEE the look (shocker there! O_O)


3.  My Current Background Image on my laptop
my best amigo Kwame introduced me to the work of Minjae Lee.
LOOOOVEEE IT. check out his site here


4.  Kirk Franklin - I Smile
this song just makes me happy .. "even though I'm hurting I smile"

5.  Flaws of Couture
Introducing my new friends Garcia and Sasha
i'm looking forward to meeting up with these girls soon to chat all things curvy lifestyle
aren't they just fabulous!
check their blog here

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