Mary - Album - This reminds me of working at MAC on the Kings Rd, London in 1998
Hole - Live Through This. Simply brilliant if you have a lot of anger :-)
Massive Attack - Blue Lines
Lots of different styles of music mesh together to make this really creative dance/ambient/trip-hop fusion.
Too many Bowie albums to choose from so I have gone for a best of.
Personal favourites include Changes and Fame.
Ohhh this one reminds me of being a misunderstood meloncholy teen.
What an amazing album.
Also one of the best gigs I have ever been to.
Brixton Academy 2001...dancing to Storm 3000 and Phat Planet
This was one of my break up albums. :-(
I remember the embarrassment of my dad playing this in his car. "I want your sex" just made me die a little inside. I love George Michael and if you don't follow him on Twitter then you should.
The White Stripes. This is the album that I listened to on repeat when I first met Danny. I would paint canvases (badly) in my tiny studio flat in Streatham with the windows open and feel very happy.
It was hard to pick a single Radiohead album as I do like them all but I guess OK Computer wins because I went to this live tour.
I love love love The Police. My mum has excellent taste in music.

This one makes me laugh... I wore DM boots and everything. I thought I was well hard!
I had to include a bit of Stevie. Nic and I used to sing along to this when we were kids.
In my head no one sings "Living just enough for the city" like me.
This album reminds me of watching a bunch of old friends surf off the coast of Wales.
How I love Nirvana. How I adore this album.
Its more toned down Nirvana than Unplugged but it really gives you a chance to appreciate Kurts voice.
Favourite album of all time (quite possibly). I loved Amy's music and lyrics. I will miss her music.
Other albums I would include if I had space:-
Primal Scream - Screamadelica
Arcade Fire - Funeral
Lou Reed - Transformer
UB40 - Signing Off
The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses
The Specials - The Specials
Elbow - Seldom Seen Kid
... I'm sure there are a bunch of others i've missed. Oh... I forgot The Smiths and The Cure.
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