Tuesday, April 26, 2011

D.I.Y - White BEads on CARAmel

So I had this gorgeous necklace, but it broke a long time ago and has just been sitting in this 
little plastic bag.  I used the necklace back in 2009 when I took some pictures for clutch culture.  I fell in love with the beads and am using them in this D.I.Y to give them a new purpose :) 

I took one loose bead at a time and glued it onto the flap of this purse.

After putting the beads that I wanted to on the purse, I then covered the flap of the purse with plastic wrap. I did this because I wanted to wrap a scarf around the purse to help the beads glue and dry in place. The plastic was to stop the scarf from moving the beads before the glue dried.  I let them dry overnight.

I still have ALOT of beads left, wonder what I'm going to do with them O_o :)

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