Friday, September 2, 2011

Soundtrack to my life - Sam

A non make-up related post. These are the albums that shaped my youth and teen years up to present day and in some cases there are memories attached. I cannot put these into an order.

Mary - Album - This reminds me of working at MAC on the Kings Rd, London in 1998

Hole - Live Through This. Simply brilliant if you have a lot of anger :-)

Massive Attack - Blue Lines
Lots of different styles of music mesh together to make this really creative dance/ambient/trip-hop fusion.

Too many Bowie albums to choose from so I have gone for a best of.
Personal favourites include Changes and Fame.

Ohhh this one reminds me of being a misunderstood meloncholy teen.
What an amazing album.
Also one of the best gigs I have ever been to.
Brixton Academy 2001...dancing to Storm 3000 and Phat Planet

This was one of my break up albums. :-(
I remember the embarrassment of my dad playing this in his car. "I want your sex" just made me die a little inside. I love George Michael and if you don't follow him on Twitter then you should.

The White Stripes. This is the album that I listened to on repeat when I first met Danny. I would paint canvases (badly) in my tiny studio flat in Streatham with the windows open and feel very happy.
It was hard to pick a single Radiohead album as I do like them all but I guess OK Computer wins because I went to this live tour.
I love love love The Police. My mum has excellent taste in music.
Love this album and still play it regularly. Lauren So beautiful, so fierce and so bloody talented.

This one makes me laugh... I wore DM boots and everything. I thought I was well hard!
I had to include a bit of Stevie. Nic and I used to sing along to this when we were kids.
In my head no one sings "Living just enough for the city" like me.
This album reminds me of watching a bunch of old friends surf off the coast of Wales.


How I love Nirvana. How I adore this album.
Its more toned down Nirvana than Unplugged but it really gives you a chance to appreciate Kurts voice.
Favourite album of all time (quite possibly). I loved Amy's music and lyrics. I will miss her music.

Other albums I would include if I had space:-
Primal Scream - Screamadelica
Arcade Fire - Funeral
Lou Reed - Transformer
UB40 - Signing Off
The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses
The Specials - The Specials
Elbow - Seldom Seen Kid

... I'm sure there are a bunch of others i've missed. Oh... I forgot The Smiths and The Cure.

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