Monday, September 12, 2011

You ASK: I AnsweR

Hey Lovers,

A few people have asked me a few things lately, and I just thought I'd do a post and answer your questions. 
I think this is going to be a regular thing, so if you have any questions, just ask and I will answer. 
email your questions to



1.  The lip colour I have in this post. 
asked by Omo - Toronto

2.  Ag in the UK of the FANTASTIC (i just discovered it) blog Zelda + Festus
asked where I thrift shop.

I shop at a store called Value Village aka VV's Boutique aka Value
It's a chain in the US, Canada and Australia
website here
I wish it was in the UK where you are right now :)

3. Adwoa from Toronto asked if I had any tips for curvy girls looking to thrift.
When I did the post a few days ago,  I had you in mind..

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