Monday, September 26, 2011

The EGYPTIAN necklace

Hey Lovers

This past week there was an event in Halifax called the African Diaspora Heritage Trail Conference. 
Thanks to my darling friend Abena I got to go to the closing gala.  It was an AMAZING night I have to say. 
The conference is filled with "thought-provoking conversations and first-hand experiences of how to preserve, promote and protect sites that are important to the global narrative of people and culture of African descent."
The night was that and so much more.  The entertainment was stellar. I had so many goose bump moments through the spoken word, the songs and the amazing people that were in attendance. 
The vibe in the room was electric.
I am soooo humbled that I got to attend and thankful for such a life changing experience. 

check out a few of my pics

p.s. this necklace is off the door knob. TRUTH!

THRIFTED: skirt worn as dress, blazer, necklace, earrings
PAYLESS : pumps then DIY'd into fabric shoes

the posters for the event were AMAZING.. I couldn't stop staring at them 

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