Tuesday, May 17, 2011

friends ReCONnected

Hey Lovers
Hope you had an amazing Tuesday. 
We finally got some sun today. I kid you not it's been raining since easter in Halifax. blaahhhh
Met up with a friend, Chido, who's visiting Halifax and we got to hang, talk, eat and ended up watching the movie Bridesmaids.
Hi. LA. rious!!!!!!! I LOVEEeeedd IT!!!!
Here are some pics from the day

p.s my hair is a little shorter, I trimmed it last night. Actually I almost cut it all off. I had a moment of frustration y'all..LOL

What I wore
thrifted earrings, shoes, purse, belt and rings / Top my mom bought for me in South Africa / skirt was a dress I converted into a skirt
I left these glasses at my bus stop :( . Best believe if I see someone wearing em,  I will approach em. I am SO mad at myself ..lol

What we ate

yummy baby octopus, my most FAVORITE thing. 


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