Friday, May 27, 2011

Color(ing) MYself HAPPY

Hey Lovers,

One of the things that inspires me the most is coming across people that are SO transparently true to themselves. 
I love people who express themselves through their style without an ounce of insecurity to be found. 
I came across this British Singer, Ebony Bones, who truly blew me away.  
Her fashion sense is really out there and colorful (you know how much i L.O.V.E color and mixing weird things together).
i literally D.I.E for each one of these pics!!!
without further delay I give you Ebony Bones


sidenote: (sorry for the delay, but uhmm i'm downloading her album, i'm curious to hear what her creative process sounds like)
eeekkk sidenote 2: whacha think about the new banner. i happen to LOOOVEEEE it!!!

 check out how she dresses her band. FAANNTAASTIICC.. i love it ALLLL

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