Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekend deLIGHTs

Hello Lovers.
Hope you guys had an awesome weekend. Sorry for the lack of posts this weekend. A couple of factors are to blame for that - had a photo shoot, exhaustion and lack of a laptop right now seeing as though mine decided to die on me. Hopefully that will get sorted out this week. Here are a few pics of what I got up to this weekend + what I wore. I finally did a shoot for my clutch culture website. I'm going to be changing up a few things on there.  As much as I LOVE my website, I always need change in the things/places I frequent. Oh and about the outfit I wore.  I figured I would try something different.  I bought this skirt probably about a year ago for $1  #truestory and I was going to adjust it into a pencil skirt, but seeing as though this is the season of unusual skirt lengths and shapes I decided to rock it as it was.  It still does need adjustments but it was
The top was also thrifted for $2,  the hat was $1.99, the shoes were $4.99 and the earrings were $4.00.
one outfit for $13.98!!!!!
Insane huh! Anyways thought I'd share that little tidbit. Style at any budget at its best!!!!
Enjoy the sneak peak into the shoot I did.

big kisses
le geekster

what I wore during my shoot.

sneak peak at the photo shoot :)

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