Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Vibes.

Hey Lovers,

Just a quick post today. First of all, Happy Friday!!!! Secondly, I just wanted to announce the winner of the Younikness Giveaway.
And the winner is.....
Nika W.

(will be in touch with you )

minor sidenote:
did a quick drive by M.A.C today to check out my lovely friend and ended up trying this lipstick which I actually love. Hope to get it at some point.
Next time you go to M.A.C check out Russian Red.  It's a matte finish which I have been so hooked on for a while now. 

p.s thinking of changing my blog banner. My mind has been on overdrive trying to think of something different.
so bare with me. you will probably see a whole bunch of changes on here until I'm satisfied :) 

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