Thursday, November 24, 2011

Geeking over : Scarves

Hey Lover, 

Yesterday marked our first snow fall in Halifax. It's yucky out there!
It's snowed uhhhmmm ... you know how they say "It's raining cats and dogs"? What is the equivalent for snow?
I guess the equivalent would have to be two things that don't get along. 
It's snowed zebras and lions out there! *chuckle*  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyways, my friend Sam gave me this idea to do another chapter of Geeking Over. 
With some crappy weather it is only fitting that we geek over some fab scarves to give us joy while we slip and slide in the snow. 
Check out Sam, Shariena and I geeking over scarves. 
scarves galore!


I had asked my brother to do it, but he slacked until I did my post.. so here is Ten

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