Friday, August 5, 2011


Hey Lovers

So as mentioned a couple of posts ago, my darling Shyne and I will be doing little glam projects together.
Pretty much I'm her willing guinea pig and she can try anything make-up related on me. 
Yesterday we had our first little project. 
It was SOOOO weird being on the other side of the chair. I mean I've had the occasional MAC store touch up but nothing like what I experienced yesterday ...

look forward to more projects :) 

1. This first look was what Shyne had been itching to try and me being down for anything I was game. When it comes to eye shadows I'm not much of a pink/purple person but this look was actually pretty fresh.  I haven't applied eye shadow in months now but this definitely a start to reigniting some eye shadow love.. 
 I love it. 

2.  This second look is by FAR my favorite. For a while now I have been DYIIINNGG to try out orange lipstick and Shyne was more than willing to try it on me.  I expected it to not look right on my skin tone... but uhhhmmmm HOT DAMN do i love that orange lip.  Move over MAC DIVA (my past fav shade) helllooo MAC Morange (my new fav shade).

so what came out of this experience. 
1. I never knew my cheeks could look this good.  Shyne you are a genius!! that's why i roll with you..LOL
2. Shyne helped me regain my eye brow swag. I had been having a BAD eyebrow month or two
3. I am a blinker. I couldn't man-up all the way to her applying liner to my lower lid.. i needed a few breaks to de-tear..LOL
4. i LOVE having someone make ME feel pretty... I had somewhat neglected myself in the process i think.
5. Evidently, my girl, has a future in make-upery.

sidenote: Check out Shyne's blog here 

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