Monday, June 6, 2011

´Holidays´ in Copenhagen or a summer weekend 1

Sorry that for disappearing so suddenly into the dark information gap / silence. But there was a reason! What can be more serious, time-demanding and hard-to-recover? True: Holidays! A short holiday as in a long weekend trip to Copenhagen <3

For us (me and my friend Kaja) who are no newcomers to Copenhagen (or as true Scandinvians will call it: Køben), this city has always something new to offer. It´s a small city, cosy, but most of the time there is something to do there: a festival, an exhibition, any other kind of event. This time it was mostly about Distortion: a big annual festival that is held for a few days in different districts of the city. It´s crazy to see how many people can fit in that small city, and how these people can party! My bad, I was too busy taking part, didn´t take too many photos, but some of them will give you 1/1000th part of the madness of the music, city packed with crowds, parties and all the things attached to this:) We might have been a bit frustrated about the special Danish way of saying street names (which makes almost impossible to get to places just asking for directions), the crowd being over-friendly with not-exactly-friendly hugs (while you are trying to get from one end of the street to the other) and the toilets (or rather said absence of them:) But we loved every bit of the vibe, the atmosphere of party all over the city!

Yes, did I neglect to mention?
There was an Elephant Parade going on, which just PERFECT. Me a devoted fan of that animal, took maybe 100 pictures of the Elephant exhibition, that claims to be worlds largest open air exhibition of that kind and aims at raising funds to save Asia elephant that is becoming extinct. Those were beautiful… Would absolutely recommend those who have the money (and  not least space to fit in the huge statues) to spend money on this good cause:)

Another thing we love about Copenhagen is the good food! Denmark may not be France or any other exquisite cuisine country, but they definitely know how to bake! Good bread, good pastries and lots of places to enjoy fresh eco food! Kaja who lived in Køben before recommends Emmery´s and Laundromat ( + 1 here).
Hehe:) We were too busy eating to take many pictures of food!

Every respectable shopoholic should at least once shop in Copenhagen. It may not be the fashion capital of the world, but it has a lot to offer, and most of all: cool, edgy Scandinavian design of high quality and more affordable prices. Alongside with the traditional high street and quality brands, there are numerous small boutiques to be found here packed with things that you, can be sure not every neighbour on the 2nd floor is going to wear. People here are very fond of second –hand shopping: environmentally friendly and good for pockets. This can be found everywhere: in flea markets, luxury second-hand shops (like this one with a beautiful vintage Chanel bag called Copenhagen Treasure) or just in a backyard of the street you live in.

What was it again? Style, yes, right! Street style in Copenhagen: minimal and cool, very cool (even when you are riding the bicycle which is a most common transport in Copenhagen). 

Hmm, back to normal life... Thanks Kaja for the great weekend! 

Mu & Lilo 

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